Top Reasons To Consider Residential Land Clearing in Tennessee

Maybe you’ve recently purchased an undeveloped tract of land in Tennessee, or perhaps you’ve been sitting on that parcel of raw wilderness for ages and still aren’t sure what to do with it. Raw land, while beautiful, is too challenging to work with as-is. 

You’ll need to schedule land clearing before you can put your land to good use. Below are the top reasons to consider residential land clearing from experts like The Yard Force.

Prepare for a New Building Project

If you’re like many others, you’ve always dreamed of building your own custom home in a place where you can get away from it all. One day, you came across a great deal for land and bought it before you’d had a look. Upon arrival, you discover that the parcel of land is undeveloped and full of trees, rocks, and weeds, so you’ll need to have that land cleared before your build can kick off. 

During land clearing, experts like The Yard Force will clear brush and remove unwanted trees, as well as their stumps. This debris doesn’t go to waste; the team transforms it into mulch for your property, which helps retain moisture in the topsoil and combats soil erosion.

Still, land clearing isn’t just necessary when you’re planning to build a house. Would you like to build a shed, barn, or play area for the kids? How about some landscaping?

Create More Space for Recreational Use

Suppose you own a 20-acre plot, but you’ve only cleared an acre or two for your house and yard. The rest of the land sits unused much of the time, except by wildlife. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could put that unused land to work for you?

With land clearing, the sky’s the limit. You could build a pool and deck, perfect for cooling off on those hot summer days, or install a patio and outdoor kitchen for entertaining.

Fancy yourself a master gardener? Why not set up a greenhouse on your cleared land? Doing so would allow you to grow cold-sensitive plants even during the chilliest months.

Some property owners clear their land for hunting. By clearing the land of overgrown trees, grass and other plants will flourish. In time, that attracts wildlife, such as deer.

Remove Breeding Grounds for Pests and Diseases

Long, lush grass, for instance, is highly attractive to ticks, snakes, and even fleas, so you certainly wouldn’t want to take Fido for a walk in the forest just yet!

Overgrown land can also house other destructive pests that could wreck your garden in short order. For example, Tennessee is home to Asian longhorn beetles, spotted lanternflies, and emerald ash borers, all of which can devastate ornamental trees.

Imported fire ants are another pest to watch out for, and their colonies flourish in undeveloped areas. A single sting from one of these pests feels like being stabbed with a hot poker. Multiple stings can even send a person sensitive to their venom into anaphylactic shock.

Insects aren’t the only problem you’ll face with undeveloped land. Overgrown foliage is the perfect breeding ground for plant diseases like: 

  • Fire blight
  • Powdery mildew
  • Oak wilt
  • Anthracnose

Land clearing is a balm for these ailments.

Allow Desirable Plants To Flourish

Trees are majestic, yes, but there can be too much of a good thing. When trees grow densely together, their canopies block sunlight from reaching the ground below, effectively starving other plants. 

To know whether you have too many trees, just look down. If the ground is mostly barren, save for a few weeds, some of those trees need to go.

After tree and stump removal, the sun’s rays will come streaming in, allowing more desirable plants to grow and reach their full potential. Your flowers will bloom instead of languishing sadly in the shade.

Land clearing also helps plants thrive by controlling moisture levels and minimizing soil erosion. Experts can use a technique called grading to direct water away from your home or garden. This helps to prevent root rot, which kills plants sitting in soggy soil.

Schedule Vegetation Clearing and Brush Removal Today

Land clearing offers many perks, whether you’re planning to build a home or wish to use your land for recreation. With trees and unsightly brush out of the way, the world is your oyster.

Looking for the right company to assist you with land clearing and stump grinding in Tennessee? The Yard Force’s specialized equipment will clear your land without harming the delicate ecosystem or causing habitat loss for wildlife. Simply call and describe your project, get an estimate and custom work plan, and relax while we handle the work! 

To request a quote, call us at (865) 290-8815.


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